Friday 10 October 2014

PARKING IN LEGAL PLACES: is it worth it? (Newspaper spoof)

A few days ago, I decided to go visit my boyfriend who resides at Memorial University's Burton's Pond apartments. Like most of the time, trying to find a parking spot anywhere at MUN is an enormous hassle, and this day for some reason was even worse. The only legal way for me to park is if I parked at the parking garage by the Health Sciences Hospital and walked all the way to Burton's Pond residence at night just to visit my boyfriend for an hour or two. To me, this was outrageous. I justified illegally parking by the side of the one way road for parking for people who live at Burton's Pond apartments. It wouldn't inconvenience anyone, all traffic could get through, just people who were backing up would have to be a little more careful than usual, but otherwise, I thought it was completely reasonable. After my visit to my boyfriends apartment, I of course, found a lovely little yellow ticket slid under my wind shield wiper which told me I parked illegally. Getting a ticket isn't the worst thing in the world, but it certainly dampened my mood considerably. So this was all fine, I know I parked against the law, and I know that I shouldn't do it again, I know that I have no one else to blame but myself for being particularly lazy that day, etcetera, but the thing that really bothers me is what happened today when I went to pay for this specific $20 ticket. So, here I am driving downtown trying to find a parking spot on Water Street to pay for this darned ticket. I find a parking spot, but of course, the truck who was parked behind this specific spot pulled ahead way too far and incapacitated my ability to park well and overly close to the curb, so I simply tried my best. A man even saw me trying to parallel park and even HELPED me get as close to the curb as possible. So, as I got out of the car, I thought I did a decent job of parking for what I had to deal with, so I went into the building and paid for my ticket. I was about 20 minutes until I came back to my car and realised, within that amount of time, I received another lovely darned ticket for my "bad" parking job (which I somewhat still blame on the truck behind me). I was furious. I was inside, paying for my ticket I received and then came out to another ticket double the price! To me, this brings up the question, is it even worth trying to legally park when you get a more expensive ticket compared to not parking in a parking spot at all and only getting a $20 ticket?

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